W. Bro. Jim MacKinnon P.M.
Hon. Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland 1916 - 2005

This wonderful story was related to the Lodge Committee, who were overwhelmed at the thoughtfulness and true masonic spirit within Brother Jim and jumped at the opportunity to retrieve what was believed to be a lost Lodge treasure by those who remembered it. The coin is now safely deposited in the Lodge's bank.

By the late 1980s Jim had become the Lodge Secretary. He was a highly respected mason amongst all of the brethren. His office required much contact with the Provincial and Grand Lodges and he soon became well-known to all. He had a large masonic library at home, which he willingly shared with fellow masons. He has given many lectures on all aspects of Freemasons and always made his talks interesting to his listeners.

He spearheaded the support of Lodge St Kilda to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Inverness-shire, on their annual sojourn to the Outer Isles, at the time when Uist and Harris were both visited over a period of two nights and three days. I can recall, following a late and heavy night in Lochmaddy, Lodge Eval's original home, getting up at 6.30am to catch the 7.30am ferry. At 7.40am, we were sitting in the alcoholic refreshments area of the ship, with Jim serving whisky and reflecting on the previous night's masonic activity. He also provided a good concoction for those in a more delicate state, which, I might add, worked. He also became famous and notorious, in the nicest possible way, for producing a special Clootie dumpling, whenever there was a harmony or special event within the Lodge. Its constituents were most unusual - instead of adding water, Jim added alcohol. We often jested that when in transit, the dumpling should be escorted by the Bomb Squad, as any naked flame would surely cause a disastrous explosion.

In 1992, I had the good fortune of being installed into the chair of King Solomon and the following day my wife received a large bouquet of flowers. It was Jim's personal way of supporting the new master, at a cost to himself alone, by making the new master's wife more appreciative and understanding of the task ahead during her husband's term of office.

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